Leaving your ego out of it when it comes to your gifts

We all come into this life with a bag of gifts and superpowers that make us the snowflakes that we are. However, oftentimes our egos get in the way and we ignore our gifts, are scared to share them, or we just don’t use them to the level of greatness that we are meant to. Our ego loves to make us doubt ourselves, forcing questions into our minds like: ‘Who am I to use this gift? or ‘Why would anyone care? ‘ It makes us question who we are to use these gifts when there are so many others doing the same thing. Our egos are the voice behind comparing ourselves to those around us. Our egos are the voices of our fears, and it can be so easy to get caught in them and spiral down the ego trap.

One of my favorite things to do with my clients is to help them discover their gifts or help them find the courage to own and share them. For each of my clients, I know in my heart that they each have something unique and special to share, and I can be the support to help them discover this. It can be easy to forget to be the brave support of ourselves, and lately I have not been doing a good job at this for myself. Because of this, I felt it was important to teach some of what I have used over the years to get out of my own way. My hope is that it will help you move forward in your journey so you can take action and get out into the world.  

For me, I decided I was not going to offer readings, and I was not going to call them what I had been guided to call them. I was worried that no one would care about what I had to offer. I  got upset with myself because if I am so spiritual and intuitive, why am I having issues sharing it and not honouring what the Divine has given me? We feed our sweet beings with so much negativity and lies that do not benefit us. We need to adjust our lens and change our perspective. Sometimes we need to go through something to heal and clear another layer of the onion so our spirits can grow. It also allows us to have more compassion and love for humanity when we stop trying to be perfect all of the time. We all have difficult moments — that is life. But we need to meet our internal challenges with compassion. For me, right now it is about recognizing that I am in an emotional place that does not feel great and identifying how to get out of this wobble and back to a place in joy and love where I am a great service to myself and others.

Is today the day you will shine bright and be more light in the world?


Here are some clues that might help you know that your ego is getting in the way of your amazing presents that are so important for you to share:

  1. You don’t feel safe to let people know what your gifts are.

  2. You deny that you have gifts that are worthy of sharing.

  3. Be aware of your emotions, from a place of not judging yourself. If you are spending a lot of time in sadness, frustration, fear, feeling lost, etc, ask yourself what are the feelings about and take small steps towards higher vibration emotions. The Abraham Hicks emotional scale can be very helpful for this.

  4. You are not paying attention to your gut feelings or intuition to guide you to what is best for your soul at this time.

  5. You are not taking enough time for you.

  6. You frequently have a lot of negative self-talk


This list will be helpful for moving towards your superpowers to help you own them:  

  1. Name your gifts, and if that feels like too much, then name one and say it out loud ten times. Your voice is one of the most powerful tools you have.

  2. Make a list of all of your gifts. For each gift, add a beautiful picture, imagine a symbol or colour to represent it and give each gift a feeling. For example, one of your gifts could be a painter and the associated feeling could be joy. Go big!

  3. Pick one gift and visualize it in detail, then draw, paint, or write about it.

  4. Tell someone about your gift and how you would like to use it to contribute to the healing of the universe.

  5. Ask your Spiritual support team to help you see how you can best use your superpower for yourself and the world.

  6. Be still for 5 to 10 minutes and breathe trust in all your power and wonder.

After trying these exercises, if you still are having problems connecting to your gifts reach out to me for a free introduction call to see if working together would be beneficial for you. Together we can make miracles happen!

To help further assist you in connecting to your gifts, I created a meditation for you:

Love and Light


How to find & create your own idea of beauty