Reconnect to Your Purpose
My exciting 12-week journey to your limitless life is designed to help you discover your authentic “why.” The “why” that allows you to show up in the world with passion and a true sense of purpose. Life is magical and you are part of the magic. I will help you discover ways to break free of the “shoulds” that are holding you back in certain areas of your life that are not serving you at your highest potential. An example of this would be working at a C-suite level, but you are miserable and are scared to make a change. I will share tools and techniques to break free of expectations that either you or someone has put on you that are holding you back from honoring yourself. My intention is that at the end of 12 weeks, you will feel safe to show up in the world feeling safe to be the true you.
Book a free introductory CALL and let’s see if we are a fit!
“You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life.”
— Rumi
My intention is to help you find your wings and soar to great heights!
It is never too late to have a life of passion and feeling like you have a real purpose in the world. I will teach you ways to know that it is safe to listen to your heart, and that it can take you to places you could never even imagine! I was in the corporate world, with what many would call a dream job. I was so scared to admit even to myself that it was destructive and toxic and so unhealthy for me to be there. One of my biggest problems was listening to my head, not my heart. Well, the universe stepped in and I was basically forced out.
I was devastated, but knew it was time for me to really go within and see what path I wanted to travel. Today I feel so blessed because my heart sings doing this work with people like you. Ultimately, I am here to tell you that by taking this journey with me you will start to see that the world has endless possibilities, and that you can live a life full of so much abundance and joy. You will no longer hold yourself back from being the next level you. My goal is that you will wake up every morning excited about what the day has to offer you.
Client Experiences
The 4 Pillars of The Limitless Life Journey
“There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”
— Nelson Mandela
I intend to help you build the courage and confidence to chase all your dreams, regardless of how big they may seem. I will provide you with tools to help you love and know that money is safe for you to have, allowing abundance to flow to you effortlessly. I will also help you to trust in the miracles the universe has for you. Open your arms and heart, then let the gifts pour in.
I love holding space for you to identify and delve into the blocks that are holding you back. I will guide you in discovering the passions and interests that will illuminate your life/being. I will also help you establish a clear idea of what your desires are and encourage your imagination in designing your dream life in order to make it a reality. I will guide you in using your imagination while designing your dream life. Your imagination will allow the passion to pour back into your life.
To live a magical life, you need to choose to see the magic in yourself and the world. We will play and get creative so that you can have the wonder and curiosity of a child, which will help you see how enchanted the world is. We will work with strategies I have learned over the years to get you out of your comfort zone and allow you to take the steps to achieve your aspirations. Abracadabra…. What you speak is what you create.
Transformation is one of the key components to your journey. I will share techniques that will assist you in shedding your old ways and thought patterns that are holding you back from manifesting your purest desires, and not serving your highest good. Oftentimes, we are not even aware of these blocks, so we will uncover, reframe, and rewire them so you can live your limitless life.
Having this gift led me to follow my heart, even when it doesn’t make sense, and it always leads me in the right direction. My name, Spiritual Chef, came to me because of my ability to mix ingredients of the healing modalities I have learned, and the tools I have gathered while working with many incredible teachers. Throughout my life, I have also been blessed to work in the corporate world and dentistry field. Being from these seemingly different "worlds" allows me to help people feel safe and understood regardless of where in life they are at.
The program I have created, Journey To Your Limitless Life, will help you gain the confidence to make decisions that honor you and what you truly want. I will assist you in seeing a clear picture of what you would most like to manifest in this life. Together, we will take steps towards making your heart's desires a reality. My intention is that you finish our 12 weeks together with a solid foundation for manifesting in a way that feels easy and abundant to you.
My life is an example of how beautiful life can be when you allow abundance to work its magic and you find your flow. I cannot wait to share my tools, tips, and techniques with you so you can experience that, too.
Ready to get into the flow and allow in abundance?
The Container We’ll Transform in, Together.
Week 1
Laying the foundation
We need to know where we are starting and how we are going to work together for the next 12 weeks in order to give you the best outcome and create lasting changes.
Week 2
What do you want?
It can be very difficult to be honest with yourself about what you really want to do, and be truthful with yourself. Too often we are told by parents, teachers, friends, and others what we “should” be doing and how we “should” be doing it. What is right for one person, is completely different for another, therefore we cannot have “shoulds.” Give yourself permission to look inwards and see what you truly want, while ignoring the opinions of those around you.
Week 3
Golden handcuffs
You may be highly compensated with great title and financial allurements, but you are not feeling fulfilled. Are you stressed, tired and unfulfilled? Or perhaps you feel as though you are not making a difference where you are now. The time is now to make the changes before the universe steps in and does it for you.
Week 4
What if everything stays the same?
What if you do nothing? Another 5 years could pass and you are still not where you dream of being. What if you decide to own your path? Let’s start taking some simple steps today to get you on that road to your dream destination in your life.
Week 5
Let’s play for a day
Playing is so important to our growth, but most adults have forgotten how to do it, or maybe never learned how to. Playing boosts creativity, strengthens your imagination, and releases endorphins to improve brain function. All these come together to help clear your path to your purpose.
Week 6
Strategies to a more balanced life
Time for you! Really! Weekend getaway for one, it is time to get excited! We are going to dive into where your energy blocks are and begin to release them. This alone will provide an immense amount of freedom and help you feel more balanced.
Week 7
Let’s explore the number one way that you sabotage yourself
For many, it is negative self-talk. This could be telling yourself you are inadequate or unworthy, that you can’t have it all. Is this what you tell yourself? If not, what is yours? Let’s peel back the covers and look inside and work towards changing these thought patterns.
Week 8
Remove burdens and limits that are holding you back
Everyone has their own challenges they face. Sometimes you can look at the areas you believe must appear perfect as a clue for where to begin. When you have more vulnerability, you are able to open yourself to more growth. There is no perfect time to start the habits and routines that will make you happy. There is no failing, as long as you are showing up for yourself and making the most out of your life.
Week 9
Taking the fear out of what people think about you
Let’s get into the cracks and shine the light to make sure you are doing what you need for yourself, without worrying about what others may think. It is important to remember that very few people actually care about what you believe they are judging you for. Everyone else is caught up in the same thought patterns and are too busy worrying about themselves to judge you.
Week 10
Rediscovering the true you
What do you love? Not what you've been told to love, or what you believe is “right” to love. What makes your spirit full and excited? Fall in love with yourself and discover what sparks joy in your heart. If you don’t love yourself for who you are, how can you expect anyone else to?
Week 11
Imagine who you will be a year from now
Everything that we have, big or small, started in someone’s imagination. If you can imagine it, it can exist. Game time! It is time to get creative and use your imagination!
Week 12
Walking in the world limitless and free of guilt
You owe this to yourself, and no one else. You deserve to achieve all your goals and live the life you desire. Life is meant to be joyful. It is time to show the world how you are moving forward with the purpose you came here for. No holding back for anyone.
What You Receive in
The Journey To Your Limitless Life
Weekly Calls
Weekly 60 minutes call (12 total). Every call we begin by calling in divine guidance from your Angels, Guides, and Teachers. Tapping in 15 minutes before the call what has been happening and where you’re at before we connect.
My manifestation tools & techniques
Depending on what week we’re working moving through, I will teach you tools, tips, and techniques to increase your confidence, help you find direction, and assist in letting go of past money beliefs that are keeping you from happiness, success, prosperity, and wealth.
Weekly support & Engagement practices
Weekly intuitive practices & exercises to implement during the week to help you integrate in-between our calls.
Text support Monday to Friday, for those days where you just need extra love, care, and support.
Integration Session
Three weeks after our 12 weeks together, there will be an integration check-in call to see how you are manifesting and if you have any questions around things that may have come up for you.
Need Some Further guidance?
I’ve created these 7 prompts to tune inward and ask yourself to help you know if the Journey to Your Limitless Life is for you.
You know in your heart that there is more for you in life and are ready to take steps towards finding more in your life, even if you are not ready to leave you current career.
Something in your gut and heart are pushing you to allow yourself to be great and empowered in all areas of your life.
You have made the decision that self-care and self-love are front and center for you, and you know this program will help you get to truly taking care of you and will provide the support and guidance to get there.
Your old stories and patterns feel out of balance for you, and you are ready to write your new story.
You are ready to manifest with ease and want things to become easier for you.
You know that the time is now for you to know that it is safe for you to have money, and you will still be loved and accepted if you have it.
You believe abundance is your divine right, now you just need the tools to make it your truth.