Living from a place of groundedness amidst chaos

In my life, there has always seemed to be a lot of chaos around me. Especially in the past four or so years, it has seemed even more so. I tend to be a bit of a spiritual perfectionist. I had the mentality that I was doing things wrong, which was causing all the mayhem in my life. After one of the crazy times, I told someone exactly this. In a very gentle way, this woman told me, “Maybe this is how it is meant to be for you. Maybe you are supposed to learn how to be in the calm place in the eye of the storm so that you can stay connected to spirit. When we do this, our intuition can guide us much more easily, and we can let go and let God.” I would tell my clients this all the time but was not listening to my own advice. After this I had an aha moment: living life in joy, love, and appreciation is where we can truly go with the flow and trust all will manifest at the highest level for us. I then began a quest to be mindful of things that help keep my energies up. Even when I have the natural human moments of fear, panic, or anxiety, I am able to bounce back quicker and return to my happy place. I worked at being kind to myself as I was exploring these tips, tricks, and techniques that I have learned over the years, and I have put together a 21-day challenge to share with you.

Let the games begin. Be sweet with yourself and take baby steps each day, which will have a great return in your life without seeming too daunting.

Step one: Do simple things each day to ground yourself and get rooted. Here are a few of my favourite grounding activities:

  1. Walk barefoot outside, allowing you to connect with Mother Earth.

  2. Use a stainless-steel spoon to make figure eights on the bottoms of your feet for a few minutes.

  3. Tap on your cheekbones just under your eyes.

  4. Press on the bottoms of your feet, especially at the fleshy point just beside the ball of your foot towards the centre. Then, massage in-between the bones along the top of your feet.


Feel free to ​make this your own if some of my suggestions do not work for you do all, some or just one. The important thing is that you continue for 21 days, so do it in a way that makes you feel inspired to continue. 

Do the daily exercise as many times in the day as you can. If you need reminding, feel free to set your timer so that it goes off every hour or so, or put a sticky note somewhere you see often to remind you.


Our mantra will be “Just for a day I will.”


  1. Just for a day I will try new things and get out of my comfort zone. This can be meals, routes you walk or drive, waking up a little earlier to have more you time, etc.

  2. Just for a day I will smile at everyone.

  3. Just for a day I will make things as simple as possible.

  4. Just for a day I will honour the earth and be more in balance with her.

  5. Just for a day I will see all the abundance that flows to me with ease.

  6. Just for a day I will be in love with myself and take time for self-care.

  7. Just for a day I will focus on what is working for me.

  8. Just for today I will live in gratitude and appreciate everything, from the moment I wake up until I go to sleep.

  9. Just for today I will not worry about what others think of me.

  10. Just for today I will spend time in nature.

  11. Just for today I will not say I “should” or “have to.”

  12. Just for today I will trust that I am safe.

  13. Just for today I will disconnect from technology.

  14. Just for today I will follow my intuition.

  15. Just for today I will have faith that I am in alignment with my desires coming to fruition.

  16. Just for today I will know I am co-creating with the universe. I am one with Divine, and Divine is one with me.

  17. Just for today I will write down all I receive. Sometimes we forget that we will receive more than we could ever give.

  18. Just for today I will see all the miracles that surround me.

  19. Just for today I will make my life juicy and delicious.

  20. Just for today I will not judge myself or others.

  21. Just for today I will stay present.


At the end of each day, you can reflect on how the exercise made you feel, and you may want to incorporate some of them regularly into your routine for the future.  

Most importantly of all, do not take yourself too seriously during this. Have fun and play, because that is when your intuition will soar! 

To help assist you further on your journey, I have put together a meditation for you:

Love and light,


How to find & create your own idea of beauty